When you have been pre-screened and qualified to be an egg donor for in vitro fertilization the egg donation center that you're working together with will coach you on how exactly to self-administer the medications used during the process. Be forewarned you will be injecting yourself with one of these medications. Two forms of medication often useful for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation include Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Lupron. FSH stimulates the production of eggs while Lupron prevents the ovaries from releasing the eggs before the retrieval process takes place. Some possible negative effects of the drugs include fatigue, moodiness, headache, ovarian cysts, and in some rare cases hyper stimulation syndrome of the ovaries. An indication of hyper stimulation syndrome is enlarged painful ovaries and would be detectable on an ultrasound. Hcg
Timing is everything when it comes to the administration of the medications. Lupron is typically begun 5-6 days before the start of one's period. Whenever your period starts you should have a baseline vaginal ultrasound just before starting the FSH. This will help to detect the clear presence of any cysts on the ovaries. Ovarian cysts are not uncommon and usually resolve on their own but large or complex cysts may require treatment. If the ultrasound is clear you will begin taking the FSH approximately 2-3 days following the start of one's period. Your blood will soon be drawn at regularly to monitor the level of estradiol, the hormone secreted by developing eggs, in your system.
Another vaginal ultrasound will soon be performed to determine the size and number of eggs in your ovaries as soon as your estradiol level are at the right level. An individual injection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropins (hCG) will soon be administered once the eggs are ready for retrieval. HCG is just a naturally occurring hormone that helps with the final stage of development of the eggs. About 36 hours following the hCG injection the eggs are ready for removal.
When you will soon be sedated as soon as your eggs are removed you will soon be asked not to consume or drink anything after midnight the afternoon before the procedure. Whenever you arrive for the task you will change right into a gown and an IV will soon be started for the administration of medications and fluids. Then you will soon be given medication to make sure you're adequately sedated and comfortable during the egg removal. Once you are sedated, a slim needle is inserted through the vagina in to the ovaries and the eggs are aspirated in to the syringe. hcg diet
After the task you may experience some pelvic discomfort, small levels of vaginal bleeding or blood in your urine. These negative effects usually clear within a day or two. You will have the ability to go back home a couple of hours after you wake up. You should have someone drive you home because you it's still feeling the results of the medication used to sedate you. You will soon be given a prescription for pain management in addition to an antibiotic to decrease your chances of infection. Following the eggs are removed your part is done. The eggs will then be useful for the infertility treatment called in vitro fertilization.
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